If you’re presently planning a new career as a mortgage advisor, CeMAP courses are a great place to start. An industry standard qualification that’s respected and recognised equally by employers and clients alike, CeMAP training will put you on the right path to a prosperous future in your new profession.
While CeMAP classes can be conducted in conventional classrooms at dedicated centres around the UK it’s also possible to acquire your CeMAP mortgage advisor training at home. If you’re considering this option for your CeMAP training course, you may be wondering if you can download the relevant course materials to your personal computer. All resources can easily be downloaded when you book a course but there are many other advantages and options to consider too. Read on for everything you need to know when you take this convenient approach to gaining your new qualification.
Greater freedom for your studies
A distance learning or home study CeMAP course can be a useful way to obtain your qualification for several reasons. If you can’t afford the extra expense of commuting to a regular classroom, or live in an isolated area, learning from home can be ideal. If you’re trying to fit your CeMAP training for a new career around the hours you’re working in your present occupation, learning as and when you have time can also be highly beneficial. For those looking for an immediate start, home study also means you can begin right away without having to wait for classroom-based courses.
You’ll find distance learning courses just as comprehensive as classroom training. You’ll be able to complete CeMAP 1, 2 and 3 from home using a simple and easy to understand format that gives you all the information you need to successfully pass your mortgage advisor exams.
A wealth of resources and assistance at your fingertips
Online study course packages include around 1,000 questions and answers from previous exams, allowing you to fully prepare for a successful result and track your progress along the way. Resources are sent electronically through email allowing you to download all materials directly to your computer. Mini tests, mock exam papers, and easy-to-understand CeMAP theory with highlighted key points can all be accessed, along with a hard copy by post if you require one.
You’ll also be able to choose to benefit from both telephone and email support. Having unlimited and expert help on hand any time you require it can be an invaluable asset when you opt for a home study approach to CeMAP training, and therefore well worth considering.
Distance learning with a difference
At Beacon Financial Training, we’ve put together home study packages so you can gain your CeMAP qualification in a flexible way that fits your individual needs. Offering superior value for your investment, we’re so confident in our training methods you’ll only ever need to pay to sit your exams once. This means that you can retake your end of module examinations as many times as you wish until you receive the result you’re entirely satisfied with.