Buying CeFA or CeMAP courses on eBay may appear a cheap option, however they are often a waste of time and more importantly, often breaching copyright laws. Indeed, we have written about courses on eBay before.
If a full time CeMAP or CeFA training course is out of the question for you then studying from home or ‘distance learning’ is an alternative that many prefer. There are some excellent training packages available that you can access and study online, and they are relatively inexpensive.
Cheap CeMAP courses on eBay are usually outdated. The ifs (Institute of Financial Services) updates all its syllabuses twice a year and most training materials, revision notes and even past papers being sold on eBay are therefore out of date. It only takes one or two small changes and failure in the exam is likely so why take the risk?
When training to become a mortgage advisor via home study online, a reputable CeFA or CeMAP training company will have made sure their training materials are up to date. Any past paper questions they set or revision notes provided will also have been updated.
It is not enough to read and absorb the materials, but you must learn the exam tips and techniques designed to help you understand the key points in the exam questions so you can pass your CeFA or CeMAP exam and qualify as a mortgage advisor as quickly as possible.