
CeMAP 1 Exam Format

For those who are unsure, the CeMAP 1 exam is an entirely multiple choice examination.

There are two units and each consists of 50 multiple choice questions.  Each question has four possible answers, A to D, and you must select the correct answer for each one.

For each of the two units, you have a maximum of one hour for the exam.

Note that if you finish one unit early, you cannot carry over any surplus time into the next unit.  Once you click the button to confirm you have finished the first unit, you cannot go back into it later, you must move onto the next unit and the one hour allocation for the second unit begins.

To gain an overall pass on CeMAP 1, you must pass both units.  The pass level at the time of writing is a minimum of 35 out of 50 on both units, i.e. an overall pass rate of 70%.

If you do fail one of the units, you only have to resit that one unit, not both of them.

The pass levels for CeMAP 1 are:

90% (i.e. 45 – 50 correct answers) = Pass with Distinction

80% (i.e. 40 – 44 correct answers) = Pass with Merit

70% (i.e. 35 – 39 correct answers) = Pass

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