If anyone is looking to become a mortgage adviser, they need to think carefully about which CeMAP training company to choose. There are a lot of companies out there offering CeMAP training courses. So how do you choose???
At Beacon Financial Training we are going to give you 4 good reasons to persuade you to choose us to provide you with CeMAP training.
1. Our courses and our materials have been checked and approved by the examination regulator.
2. We provide a come back for free guarantee for an unlimited period unlike some of our competitors
3. We can also provide an interview guarantee for a mortgage adviser role once you are qualified.
4. We offer the best value package for courses in our area.
Therefore, we believe anyone looking to do CeMAP training particularly in the Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds areas should use Beacon Financial Training for this.
One final piece af advice is – always ask for proper recommendations. Don’t rely on comments on our website. Ask for names, phone numbers, email addresses of people who have been on the course who you can contact independently.
If you would like to speak to us about CeMAP training, then please contact us at [email protected]