
Putting your CeMAP qualification to good use

So now you have passed your Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP), what next? What is your next step, and where do you go from here to make sure that you take full advantage of your new qualification? Passing the CeMAP is not easy and it has cost you both time and money, so you want to make sure that you get the most benefit from all that hard work.

Look for a better job

Now you have the qualification, the first thing you need to do is to update your CV. It sounds simple, but you would be surprised at how many people forget to do this.

The CeMAP qualification is well regarded by the mortgage advice industry. Those who are qualified can often command a good salary.

There are two ways to go when it comes to securing a higher salary. You can either work your way up in the company that you are already working for or go out and find a new job. Either approach is viable.

However, you need to be careful before you put your notice in. Most firms are looking for steady employees who are interested in continually updating their skill set. Someone who appears to flit from job to job does not make an attractive prospect.

A much better approach is to continue in your current role for a further six to nine months then start looking for a new job. That way you will add experience to your qualification.

If you decide to stay with your current firm start applying for promotions straight away. Tell your immediate manager that you wish to progress and ask them to help you to map out a route for progression.

Build on your qualification

It is also worth considering taking another course. Getting more qualifications expands your skill set making you a better mortgage advisor and an even more attractive prospect for potential employers.

Starting your next course almost straight away takes advantage of the fact you are still in study mode. You already have a study routine and your mind is primed for learning. Moving straight onto the next course helps to keep you in that mode and maintain momentum. Starting from scratch again in six months time is a waste of energy, so consider taking a further course as soon as you can.

Taking the Diploma in Mortgage Advice and Practice (DipMAP) is a good next step. This is a level 4 qualification, which relatively few advisors bother to take. Therefore, passing the DipMAP is a great way for you to stand out from your peers and progress faster in your career.



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