We have discussed before the various benefits of taking a professional CeMAP training course, however, there are a few questions that you should ask yourself before you commit to any CeMAP training courses with any training provider.
- Do I need a five-day training course or would I prefer to do a CeMAP Home Study course?
- Am I able to self-study CeMAP or would I learn better in a small group?
- Have I had any prior experience of the mortgage industry?
- Am I able to focus on a home study course?
- How long would a home study CeMAP course take me and would I dedicate the time to it?
- Is the course I’m looking at a revision course or a full training course?
- Will this course provide me with mock exam revision questions?
- Is this course divided into bite-sized, easy to learn sections?
- Will this course teach me the material in a way I can absorb and learn rather than just getting me through the exam?
The most successful way to pass the CeMAP 1, 2 and 3 exams is to complete a professional CeMAP training course in a small study group of no more than 12 delegates to one trainer, away from everyday distractions such as televison, family and work.
An intensive course not only helps to focus the mind on the CeMAP study, but will also ensure the delegate has all the techniques to get through the CeMAP exams and retains the knowledge to give them a successful career in Financial Services.
For some people, an intensive course is not an option, in which case the next best thing is a CeMAP home study course, with all the benefits of the professional five day training course, but also with the added support and guidance of a CeMAP trainer where needed.