
FSA Survey of Performance

When delegates finish their CeMAP training and pass the CeMAP exam, many go on to become mortgage advisors and are therefore regulated by the FSA (Financial Services Authority).

Every two years the FSA undergoes its performance assessment survey, in which its performance is judged by the Financial Services Practitioner Panel. This survey is independent and is designed to gather industry views on the FSA and provides a track record of the FSA’s performance and effectiveness over time.

The questionnaire will be sent out via post by BMRB International to around 10,000 companies over a two week period. These include both relationship-managed firms and a sample of smaller firms such as mortgage advisors firms, IFA’s and general insurance companies.

In the past, the surveys have had a high response rate, giving strong feedback. All responses are confidential and no information is passed either to the FSA or identify the company or individual completing the survey. Companies can find out more via the BMRB website.

Results are used to inform discussions with the FSA and determine the panel’s approach and priorities.

The panel chairman, Nick Prettejohn, said:

“The survey is an effective tool for communicating practitioners’ concerns, views and suggestions to the FSA. Past surveys have enabled the panel to have a significant and direct impact on front-line FSA policy-making and operational development. With the help of firms we can once again ensure that this will be the case. It is in the interests of all practitioners to help the panel by providing us with their open, honest and constructive input. I therefore strongly urge all firms who receive the questionnaire to take part in this important piece of work.”



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