
Mortgage Careers

As you are probably aware, CeMAP is the regulatory qualification that everyone needs to be a mortgage adviser and we can help you through our various training course options to achieve that qualification as quickly and as painlessly as we can.

But what happens next???

There’s no point in getting this qualification, if it doesn’t lead you into being able to do something with it to change your career, earn more money, change your work/life balance or whatever your motivations are to become a mortgage adviser.

Otherwise you’re doing all this work to gain another qualification that you are not doing anything with.

So, over the last few years, through all the CeMAP training that we provide through our many, many corporate clients which include banks, building societies, mortgage broker firms and mortgage networks, we are now able to help people into a mortgage position by being able to refer you to one of our corporate partners.

Also, there are different roles that you can undertake as a CeMAP qualified adviser. You can either go down the employed or self-employed route.

We get many people who are looking at doing CeMAP as they want to have the potential to earn more money, work their own hours, improve that work/life balance and they may well be more interested in the self-employed route. The average fees that self employed advisers would generate from selling a mortgage to a customer would be around £1,000 per mortgage based on an average mortgage size and assuming they charge a typical mortgage broker fee. This could be even more if it was a higher than normal mortgage and if you were also able to sell mortgage related insurances such as life assurance and/or critical illness cover and/or income protection.

One of the issues that you also need to be aware of is that once you have your CeMAP qualification, you can’t then straight away start advising customers about mortgages unless you are supervised by an authorised mortgage firm or network. This is referred to as ‘Competent Adviser Status’ or CAS for short.

For this reason, many people believe that you are not able to go self employed straight away. This isn’t true, because one of the ways to become a self-employed adviser straight away having passed CeMAP would be by joining a network, which is like a big ‘club’ for self-employed advisers who would then give you help, support, training, provide you with the software to do the job and they will also provide you with CAS.

We do quite a lot of training for lots of these mortgage networks and if you are looking to go down the self-employed route straight away, we can refer you to a mortgage network that specialises in taking on newly qualified advisers, so you can write business from the outset and at the same time proving you with CAS.

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The majority of self employed advisers will normally operate within a network.

In other words, even though you might be self-employed, you’re not on your own as many other self employed people outside mortgages are. You have a whole team of mortgage experts readily on hand every day to guide you, to support you all the way through.

If you feel that you’re not quite ready to go self-employed and you are looking for an employed role, then we can also help you with that. We have links to specialist mortgage recruitment companies that we can also refer you to and in many cases, this can lead to you being able to obtain an employed role in the mortgage industry.

If you are interested in either the self-employed or employed route, if you do your CeMAP training with us, we can help you to find a route into the mortgage market.

Please feel free to get in touch to ask regarding any of these issues.

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