HSBC has announced that it will be holding a brand-new industry event to honour mortgage advisors who are considered to be among the top up-and-coming talent in their field.
The lender has indicated that it is aiming to feature 25 industry figures at the inaugural event, which will be held in London’s Savoy Theatre. Among them will be high-ranking people from within HSBC, as well as other major mortgage sector names, and they will give speeches and talks on the day. HSBC will also contact 15 different mortgage broker firms to get them to nominate advisors that they consider their emerging stars.
It has stated that nominations should not be determined by any specific criteria, but advisors who get the nod should have demonstrated a consistent drive for excellence and determination to put the needs of their clients first.
HSBC Intermediary Mortgages Head Chris Pearson told Mortgage Solutions that:
“We don’t think there is that much being done on emerging talent. We thought ‘why don’t we look at what we can do with the talent that is going to be leading the industry in the next 10 years or so?’ That’s where the idea came from.”
The event will take place on June 13th, and among the subjects that will be covered are the economy and environmental issues, in addition to sessions dealing with how advisors can grow their businesses.
This sort of career development opportunity is what people who get the CeMAP mortgage advisor qualification have a chance at.