
More training academies for advisors launched by Access FS

Access Financial Services has announced that it will be boosting the frequency of the training academies that it offers for mortgage advisors, to one each month.

These academies were set up by the protection and mortgage brokerage to assist newly qualified advisors with their transition into the mortgage industry. All of the various academies offer content that has been customised to suit the experience levels of the advisors who are taking part in them, with a maximum of 10 people being able to attend each of the classes.

Those advisors who sign up to the academies are at wildly different stages in their professional careers. Some have just completed the courses needed to become an advisor, whereas others have years of experience in the finance sector.

The Access FS academies provide training in mortgage advice, as well as for those who want to combine this with protection work. By the time they have completed the year-long training course, each advisor has CAS status and has been given the opportunity to network with mortgage lenders so that they can start building the contacts that they will need in their working lives.

Access FS CEO Karl Wilkinson told Financial Reporter that:

“We strive to create a collaborative working environment where brokers are not only supported through the training and guidance we provide them with, but they also provide help and co-operation to each other.”

This sort of academy is a useful professional training follow-up to the CeMAP courses that advisors have to pass first.


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