
Tips to improve employment prospects

Finding employment in today’s economic climate can be difficult, especially if you want to embark on a career that offers good prospects and decent pay. With so much competition in the employment sector, it is important to take steps to increase your chances of securing your dream job, especially as statistics indicate we spend around one third of our life at work.

Create a plan for the next five years that covers your employment goals and how you intend to reach them. If you are looking for work, decide which sector you would like to work in and what you need to do during the next year to be qualified for it. If you are already in employment, consider what steps you need to take to get where you want to be. Initially, consider what action you can take immediately and during the next year. You may consider a voluntary role to gain experience, or studying for a qualification, like CeMAP training.

If you would like to start your own business, first decide what you will set up as and work out how you will save enough money to be able to start your own enterprise. If you need specific skills, enrol on a course immediately so you don’t lose momentum.

When you are in employment, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to change career path, even if you’re not completely happy in your job. Take action and volunteer for a project that’s outside your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to take on a challenge, as you will discover there’s plenty of support available.



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