MBS Lending is introducing a new online portal for mortgage advisors that will enable the entire application process to be pursued through one platform and will make completing it faster.
This portal was developed and is being rolled out in partnership with Mast, a fintech company. MBS is stating that intermediaries will find that the portal makes completing mortgage applications a lot quicker than it currently is and will provide them with information about what documents are needed tailored to each individual case, so that they can package them more effectively.
According to Mortgage Strategy, a spokesperson for MBS stated that:
“Intermediaries now have access to a state-of-the-art platform to seamlessly flow through affordability, decisions in principle and full mortgage applications while easily managing and tracking them from one platform.”
MBS has also indicated that it will be able to use this new portal to update its mortgage policies, criteria and products much more rapidly, and without the need for developers.
Any intermediary that is a member of the lending panel for MBS will have access to the portal, following a successful pilot of it via Legal and General Mortgage Club.
The Chief Executive of Mast, Joy Abisaab, said that the company was planning to enhance the portal on a regular basis, based on the feedback that it gets from those who use it.
Advisors with CeMAP training are busier than ever at the moment, and products that can make putting together mortgage applications simpler and faster will likely be a welcome relief to them.