If you want to train to become a mortgage advisor, then you will need to get your CeMAP (Certificate in Mortgage Advice & Practice). Unfortunately in these times, many people do not have the luxury of an employer willing to pay to put them through their CeMAP training. Similarly, although many may be willing to pay for the course themselves, they may not be able to take time off work or may not have the funds for the fastest, full-time courses. A great alternative therefore is a CeMAP home study course.
Distance learning has several benefits: you can learn at your own pace and in your own time and it is often far cheaper. Yet for many there will be a great sacrifice – a lack of tutor support to explain some of the more difficult concepts or perhaps even poor training materials.
Even though you may see a sample of a CeMAP distance learning course, this doesn’t guarantee that all the course materials are laid out in a simple to understand manner. Everyone learns differently and sometimes explaining a concept in one way will work for many people but explaining it in another way works better for others.
The best CeMAP home study courses include materials written by those in the education sector – not those who are mortgage advisors. Just because you are a trained mortgage advisor does not qualify you as the best person to teach the CeMAP syllabus.
At Beacon Financial Training, our Training Director has prepared all our home study materials himself. Working as a teacher for many years before becoming a mortgage advisor, the materials include several ways of explaining the more difficult concepts. We also offer tutor support via email or telephone for anyone who needs clarification on any finer points.