Sesame Bankhall Group (SBG) has announced that it is introducing a number of new guides that are intended to help mortgage advisors increase the amount of protection business that they secure.
Earlier, the company had started a campaign called Protection Pledge that uncovered many of the factors that were standing in the way of advisors maximising the business opportunities that protection presents. It is the results of this campaign that have informed the guides that the company is now making available to advisors across the UK.
SBG is indicating that the guides will contain all of the knowledge and solutions that advisors need to be able to start talking to their clients about the importance of protection, as well as to improve the efficiency of their protection underwriting.
There are three areas that the Protection Pledge study identified and that the guides will concentrate on. These include communicating with clients, making protection product recommendations and underwriting. The guides will show how to raise the subject of protection with clients in simple language, what the key factors are in determining the suitability of a product and how to make underwriting faster and more efficient.
Speaking to Financial Reporter, Emma Thomson from SBG said:
“The onus on advisors to have these conversations will increase further through the implementation of Consumer Duty, as the FCA looks to ensure businesses are helping provide better outcomes to customers and safeguard them against foreseeable harm.”
Advisors with CeMAP training courses under their belts should view this as a chance to boost their income.